Tuesday 7 November 2017

Does God Accept Online Dating?

Do you believe in Online dating as a Christian? One is never sure when or where one will find true love. However, one thing is clear, you will find or bump into the love of your life someplace in this universe. Yes! True love will sweep you off your feet and your heart will want to learn  How To Be And Remain Blind In Love.

I simply define dating in a relationship as that process of getting to know each other part of relationship where one can either fall deeply in love or completely out of love. 

As I keep sharing on dating and technology I asked members of my Bible Study group their take on online dating. Is online dating a good way to meet a future spouse? There were a lot of strong 'No's and Never after long minutes of opinion giving I rephrased my question and asked. 

Is online Christian dating a good option to find a spouse if you don't meet anyone in church or through other 'normal' ways? 

I say that the biblical issue here is not how the two of you meet, but whom you marry. Let us get this clearly in 1 Corinthians 7:39  A wife is bound to her husband as long as he lives, but if her husband dies she is free to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord. 

A Christian is not free to marry outside the Lord. A Christian is the real church and his/her body is the temple of the living God and it must be kept Holy.

In 2 Corinthians 6:14 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness?

Many believers get so entangled emotionally with unbelievers that they either throw away their convictions or they stand on their heads ( Forgetting that a believer He/She is guided by the Holy Spirit of God) to see the other person as a believer when actually he is not. Let me make it a little more precise. 

A mature believer will want his or her spouse not just to profess some kind of creed or be willing to go to church. What they will want is not just a minimally Christian, but a Christian marriage. Christian marriage is well described in Ephesians 5  Wives, submit to your own husbands as to the Lord, for the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the Church. And husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the Church and gave himself for her.

This means a Christian woman won't just look for a man who has a Cross tattooed on his shoulder as his profile picture, but a man who is ready to die daily in the sacrificial calling of leading a home. Love as Christ Loved the Church and gave Himself for her. And a Christian man won't just look for a woman who wears a Cross around her neck but is willing to die as she submits to his leadership in reliance upon Christ

Jesus said no one can be His disciple unless they take up their cross and follow Him. The Christian man or woman who wants to marry a follower of Jesus Christ must look for a spouse who has learned what it is to die to self in allegiance to Jesus.

Back to the internet. You are circling around. If you know what you are looking for the way I have tried to describe it, I know you could rule out a lot of losers using the internet. It won't take long (If you allow God to use His Holy Spirit to guide you) to learn from Facebook, Instagram, or even blogs if this man or woman is passionate about Jesus or if Jesus is an incidental mark on the shoulder or a beauty accessory around her neck.

So, answer. I am fine with meeting someone online and learning as much as possible about them. I have met numerous couples recently who said they met online and they are happily dating or married. They are both mature Christians. I have got zero problems with that. The great question is: Are you mature enough to discern a worthy spouse? Put your energies into becoming that kind of person.

What are your thoughts on Online Dating? Is your religion a factor that you consider before signing in to that site?


  1. Very eye opening piecepiece and full of wisdom. Love it

  2. Awesome article. When in love sometimes it's very difficult to balance your feelings, emotions and listening to the voice of God.

    1. Hi, Just focus more on God and the rest will fall into place.

  3. Online dating is simply dating with the help of the internet. The same caution you put during dating should be put as well on online dating. Great read!
